Пожалйуста. Очень нужно. Быстрее.
Выбрать правильный вариант ответа.
Choose the correct answer.
2. During the expedition, we swam/surfed/trekked ten hours a day.
3. Backpacking/ Cycling/Sailing is the best way to travel - like a tortoise with your home on your back.
4. The Red Sea has beautiful coral rocks/reefs/stones close to the shore.
5. I\'d love to go camping/trekking/ sailing, but Mum doesn\'t like sleeping in a tent.
6. They said they would stand/live/stay in a hotel.
7. The voyage/trip/tour from London to Oxford takes about an hour.
8. I couldn\'t find my bag. It was stolen/taken/missed.
9. The hotel has rooms with a sea sight/look/view.
10. If I travel to Japan, I\'ll test/try/check local food.
Поставить глагол в нужную форму.
Open the brackets using the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple.
1. Mary___(cook) dinner as soon as she___(be) through with her homework.
2. It___(be) 7 o\'clock now. I ___(not,know) when he___(return) and whether he____(come) at all.
3. They __(leave) for Paris in two days\' time. The plane____(start) at 3 pm sharp.
4. Tomorrow, if you____ (feel) we\'ll, i___(let) you go for a walk.
5. We____(go) on an excursion if we___(pass) the exams successfully.
6. Everyone___ (know) that when it___(not be) hot , snow___(begin) to melt easily.
7. I___(promise) i___(write) to you every day.
Пожалуйста. Очень нужно
4 (7 оценок)
ulicat1 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 94 ответа - 351 помощь

1. Mary__will cook_(cook) dinner as soon as she__is_(be) through with her homework.
2. It_is__(be) 7 o'clock now. I _don't know__(not,know) when he__will return_(return) and whether he__will come__(come) at all.
3. They _are 
leaving_(leave) for Paris in two days' time. The plane__starts__(start) at 3 pm sharp.
4. Tomorrow, if you__
feel__ (feel) well, i_will let__(let) you go for a walk. 
5. We__will go__(go) on an excursion if we__
pass_(pass) the exams successfully.
6. Everyone_
knows__ (know) that when it_is__(not be) hot , snow_begins__(begin) to melt easily.
7. I__
promise_(promise) i_will write__(write) to you every day.