The words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space 1. They were the ... of the nation FOUND. 2. The people are wholly or ... involved in the administrative ma- chine DIRECT. 3. The capital of the USA is ... planned CARE. 4. ... nationalities live in the USA DIFFER. 5. One of the US .. symbols is the Great Seal NATION.
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3 (2 оценки)
zorbing 4 года назад
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1. They were the FOUNDERS of the nation FOUND.

2. The people are wholly or INDIRECTLY involved in the administrative machine DIRECT.

3. The capital of the USA is CAREFULLY planned CARE.

4. DIFFERENT nationalities live in the USA DIFFER.

5. One of the US NATIONAL symbols is the Great Seal NATION.