write the correct words(rise,raise,lay,lie).
1.the Sun...in the East.
2.the price for the car has....
3.the students ....their hands in the class.
4.our house....in the southern section of the tower.
5.father has...down for a rest as he is tired a lot.
6.the enemy soldiers ...down their weapons and surrendered.
7.I always...everything on its place.
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1. the Sun.. rises .in the East. 2. the price for the car has .. risen .. 3. the students . raise...their hands in the class. 4. our house.. lies ..in the southern section of the tower. 5. father has. lain .. down for a rest as he is tired a lot. 6. the enemy soldiers . laid .. down their weapons and surrendered. 7. I always. lay .. everything on its place.