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Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space . Use only ONE WORD for each space. There is an example at the beginning .

Modern living

Over the last forty years, 1) one of the major changes in the way we live concerns 2)(what,that)………………we eat.

As 3)…(well,good,so)……………… as the fact that we have larger incomes, foreign travel  4)…(has,have, had)…………… encouraged us to experiment 5)……(with,without,which)………………our cooking. As a result, ordinary people have developed taste 6) (for,from,in)……. exotic flavours. Supermarkets, 7)…(which,that,who)………………….. previously filled their shelves with only locally produced goods, now stock Caribbean vegetables, spices from India and 8)…(even,when, while)…………………….Chinese beer!

There is also a trend towards eating 9)…(more,more than, less)……………. healthily nowadays, so low-fat, low-calorie foodstuffs have become part of our weekly shopping basket. And vegetarian  is on 10)…(a, the)…………………… rise, too. Government surveys predict that one in three of us 11) (shall,will,may,must)……………………… be a vegetarian by the end of the present decade


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5 (1 оценка)
snezhinkajulia 10 лет назад
Светило науки - 10 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
2) what
3) well
4) had
5) with
6) я думаю in
7) which
8) even
9) more
10) a
11) will