Помогите с тестом, прошу ( 1. Choose the best word. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat glance\\appearance. A mystery is a story about a crime\\future or a strange event. Agatha Christy created\\read a lot of famous detectives. The police started an exploration\\investigation into the crime. The young man hid\\find behind some bushes. Sherlock ran out of\\after the criminal. The detective put up\\off a fight with the burglar. The children explored\\hide an old chest. There are a lot of small shops in the nephew/area. It is a dangerous\\an amazing book. 2. Fill in the missing word. adventure, enjoy, book, criminals, amazing, character, adventures, funny I __________ books of different genres: _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics. I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most ________books I have ever read. In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil (зло) My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very __________. This policeman put many _________ behind the bars. 3. Put the verbs into Past Simple: Mr. Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday. Columbus ……………………… (discover) America. We ………………………… (watch) TV last night. Marry …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago. J. Rowling ……………………... (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends. 4. Make up sentences using used to construction: I \\play football\\ when I was 10. Matt \ ot have a lot of free time\\ when he was a student. Fiona \\wake up late\\ before she found a job. Karl \\ live with his parent\\ when he was a student. They \\ play computer games\\ when they were 11.
4 (16 оценок)
elizabetmashnina555 5 лет назад
Светило науки - 32 ответа - 127 раз оказано помощи


Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat appearance.

A mystery is a story about a crime or a strange event.

Agatha Christy created a lot of famous detectives.

The police started an investigation into the crime.

The young man hid behind some bushes.

Sherlock ran out after the criminal.

The detective put up a fight with the burglar.

The children hide an old chest.

There are a lot of small shops in the area.

It is an amazing book.


enjoy      adventure

book      amazing


character    funny









When I was 10 I play football.

When he was a student Matt not have a lot of free time.

Fiona woke up late before she found a job.

Karl live with his parents when he was a student.

When they were 11 they play computer games.