change in the plural
1. the child has got a basketball
2. that woman has got a pink scarf
3. this bus is blue
4.that man is a doctor friend is Russian
6 a superhero has got special powers
7 l have got a toy mouse
8 she has got a digital camera
9 this is a helmet and that is a watch

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the children have got...those women have.buses,men are doctors

Ответ проверен экспертом
4 (147 оценок)
Tulip1991 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 3191 ответ - 59834 помощи
1.The children have got basketballs.
2.Those women have got pink scarves.
3.These buses are blue . 4.Those men are doctors. 5.My friends are Russians. 6.Superheroes have got special powers .
7.We have got toy mice .
8. They have got digital cameras.
9.These are helmets and those are watches.