помогите с английским
1.fill in the correct word.
burglaries, theft, picking pockets, robberies, shoplifting, vandalism, mugging, murder
1)the man was sentenced for committing a series of bank ...... in the last 5 months.
2)Most ....... take place at night or when people are on holiday.
3)The man was arrested for ....... on the metro; he had 10 wallets on him.
4)The ....... was very violent and the victim spent six weeks in hospital.
5)In some states in the USA there is a death penalty for ....... .
6) The boys were charged with ....... after being caught spraying graffiti on the statue.
7) ....... is not seen as a serious crime but taking things without paying for them is stealing.
8)The rate of car ....... in this area is very high.
2.fill in the verbs in the correct form.
bow, sew, stitch, master, regard, sound, deter, fulfil, boast, pat.
1)We should all try to ....... a new skill every day.
2)Jack ....... Tom on the back when he congratulated him.
3)She had a habit of ....... others as beneath her.
4)In Japan, people ....... to each other as a greeting.
5)My sister and I ....... exactly alike on the telephone.
6)Jane ....... the button back on her blouse while she was still wearing it.
7)People who ....... about their achievements are annoying.
8) Nothing can ....... George fom chasing his dream.
9) My grandma ....... this quilt by hand.
10)Paul is studying hard to ....... his goal of becoming a vet.
3.Match the words to from phrases.
1)Fine a)Designer
2)Quiet b)Skill
3)Peer c)Instruction
4)Countless d)Pressure
5)Fashion e)Face
6)Needle f)Times
7)Meticulous g)And thread
8)Outside h)Determination
9)Prestigious i)World
10)Troubled j)Sense
11)Deep k)Shool
12)Careful l)Cloth
1.fill in the correct word.
burglaries, theft, picking pockets, robberies, shoplifting, vandalism, mugging, murder
1)the man was sentenced for committing a series of bank ...... in the last 5 months.
2)Most ....... take place at night or when people are on holiday.
3)The man was arrested for ....... on the metro; he had 10 wallets on him.
4)The ....... was very violent and the victim spent six weeks in hospital.
5)In some states in the USA there is a death penalty for ....... .
6) The boys were charged with ....... after being caught spraying graffiti on the statue.
7) ....... is not seen as a serious crime but taking things without paying for them is stealing.
8)The rate of car ....... in this area is very high.
2.fill in the verbs in the correct form.
bow, sew, stitch, master, regard, sound, deter, fulfil, boast, pat.
1)We should all try to ....... a new skill every day.
2)Jack ....... Tom on the back when he congratulated him.
3)She had a habit of ....... others as beneath her.
4)In Japan, people ....... to each other as a greeting.
5)My sister and I ....... exactly alike on the telephone.
6)Jane ....... the button back on her blouse while she was still wearing it.
7)People who ....... about their achievements are annoying.
8) Nothing can ....... George fom chasing his dream.
9) My grandma ....... this quilt by hand.
10)Paul is studying hard to ....... his goal of becoming a vet.
3.Match the words to from phrases.
1)Fine a)Designer
2)Quiet b)Skill
3)Peer c)Instruction
4)Countless d)Pressure
5)Fashion e)Face
6)Needle f)Times
7)Meticulous g)And thread
8)Outside h)Determination
9)Prestigious i)World
10)Troubled j)Sense
11)Deep k)Shool
12)Careful l)Cloth
(13 оценок)

7 лет назад
Светило науки - 2 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи
1. Введите правильное слово.Кражи со взломом, кража, собирание карманов, грабежи, кража в магазинах, вандализм, грабеж, убийство1) человек был приговорен за совершение серии банков ...... за последние 5 месяцев.2) Большинство ........ происходит ночью или когда люди находятся в отпуске.3) Мужчина был арестован за ....... в метро; У него было 10 кошельков.4) ........ был очень жестоким, и жертва провела шесть недель в больнице.5) В некоторых штатах США смертная казнь за ........6) Мальчиков обвинили в ... после того, как их застали граффити на статуе.7) ....... не рассматривается как серьезное преступление, но принимать вещи, не платя за них, является воровством.8) Скорость автомобиля ....... в этой области очень высока.2. заполните глаголы в правильной форме.Лук, шить, стежок, мастер, внимание, звук, сдерживать, выполнять, похвастаться, погладить.1) Мы все должны стараться ....... новый навык каждый день.2) Джек ....... Том на спине, когда он поздравил его.3) У нее была привычка к ... другим, как к ней.4) В Японии, люди ....... друг к другу в качестве приветствия.5) Моя сестра и я ....... точно так же по телефону.6) Джейн ... кнопка на блузке, когда она все еще была в нем.7) Люди, которые ....... о своих достижениях раздражают.8) Ничто не может ... Джордж Фом преследует свою мечту.9) Моя бабушка ....... это одеяло от руки.10) Павел усердно учится ... чтобы стать ветеринаром.3. Совершайте слова из фраз.1) Отлично a) Дизайнер2) Тихий b) Умение3) Peer c) Инструкция4) Бесчисленное множество г) Давление5) Мода e) Лицо6) Игла f) Время7) Тщательная g) И нить8) Вне h) Определение9) Престижный i) Мир10) Тревожный j) Смысл11) Deep k) Shool12) Осторожно l) Ткань