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1  ........  you at the cinema last night ?
                   A-was    B-were   C-are

2 I ..... a noise, so I went to see what it was.
                  A-hear   B-hearing   C-hearв

3 Terry ...... to Spain yesterday.
                  A-go      B-goes      C-went

4 ....... you go out  yesterday?
                 A-did   B- was     C-were

5 They ...... the performance last night.
               A-enjoyed   B-enjoys  C-enjoy

6 We ...... wear uniforms at school.
              A-can  B-need  C-must

7 Steve is a pilot. He ....... fly a plane.
             A-couldn`t    B-can  C- may

8  You ...... lie to your parnts.
            A-must   B- mustn`t  C-need

9 Helen ...... home late last night.
        A-come  B-coming  C-came

10  They ...... a meeting yesterday.
          A-are having  B- haв  С- havу

11 Tom ....... the party last niht.
          A-enjoyed   B-enjoys  C-enjoy

12 ...... you like football?
          A-does   B- doing  C-do

13 We ...... on holiday last year.
           A-go  B-went   C-goes

14  How often ....... it snow in your country?
          A-do    B-does   C- doing

15 Jule ...... a party last week.
          A-go   B-have   C-had

16 You ...... make any noise  after 10pm.
           A-can`t   B-can   C-must

17 We ........ to be home by 6 o`clock.
          A-have   B-can    C-must

18  You ...... have to  feed the dog. Mary did it an hour ago.
          A- can     B- mustn`t    C- don`t

19 ....... you happy when John came to visit?
          A-were    B- was     C- aren`t

20 Her aunt lives ........ Californua.
         A-in     B- on   C-at 

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Светило науки - 968 ответов - 13026 раз оказано помощи
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. A