Осталось последнее задание, помогите пожалуйста.
In this exercise you have to make questions with the words given.
Example: (you/hear/from George recently?) Have you heard from George recently?
1. (you/read/a newspaper recently?)
2. (you/see/Tom in the past few days?)
3. (you/play/tennis recently?)
4. (you/eat/anything today?)
5. (you/see/any good films recently?)
6. (you/have/a holiday this year yet?)
4 (10 оценок)
machkevichus 9 лет назад
Светило науки - 49 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1. Have you read a newspaper recently?
2. Have you seen Tom in the past few days?
3. Have you played tennis recently?
4. Have you eaten anything today?
5. Have you seen any good films recently?
6. Have you had a holiday this year yet?