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canary17 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 53 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи
I задание
1.The wine is should be opened about 3 hours before you use it.
2.My boots had been cleaned by somebody.
3.Hummer nails is not must be into walls' without permission.
4.A light was switched on by someone.
5.The old building is being pulled down by them.
6.All the shop windows in recent riots was broken by the mob.
7.Each of us was asked about his movements by the police.
8.Bicycles must not be left in the hall by the pupils.
9.An enourmous hole had been cut by the burglars.
10.He had been told to report by someone.
1.I said to her I had something to tell her.
2.I remarked that it wasn't so rainy that day as it had the day before.
3.She replied that she would come with me as soon as she was ready.
4.The workers explained that they liked working on Sunday because they got double pay.
5.I said crossly she has got her phone and hers was in her room.
6. The detective explained to his boss that he knew exactly what they had said, because he had bugged their phone.
7.The salesman said to madam that the quite fashionable model.
8.She said that she had written to him the day before. She wondered why he hadn't rung up.
9.The coach said to them that it was time we had begun training for their the following match.
10. He said to me if I left home at 6, I should was there by 9.