Вариант 1

A1. Mark the right translation of the verb зарабатывать.

1) depend 3) deliver

2) send 4) earn

A2. Make the right word combinations.

1) social a) money

2) star b) greetings

3) pocket c) wars

4) send d) position

A3. Match the words and phrases with the same meaning.

1) get a) not easy

2) take part b) start

3) difficult c) participate

4) begin d) receive

A4. Choose the appropriate preposition.

Leonardo da Vinci was hungry … knowledge.

1) about 3) for

2) to 4) in

B1. Make the sentences using the following words.

the \\ history \\ Isaac \\ is \\ of \\ men\\ Newton\\ one \\ greatest \\ science \\ the \\ in \\ of.


B2. Write the appropriate verb in the correct form.

1) All schoolchildren should regularly _____ (make \\ do ) his homework.

2) I will _________ ( do \\ make ) my best.

3) _______ (do \\ make ) money is the most important thing in his life.

5 (1 оценка)
mami25366 7 лет назад
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social position
star wars
pocket money
send greetings

get- receive
take part - participate
difficult - not easy
begin - start

Leonardo da Vinci was hungry for  knowledge

Isaac Newton is one of the greatest men in the history of science

All schoolchildren should regularly do their homework.
I will do my best
Making money is the most important thing in his life