Read the dialogues and fill in the gaps with the words from the box, one is extra.
A: So Sasha, what\'s your favourite (1) ____? Maths?
S:No, i love sports, so (2) ____ is my favourite.Do you (3) ___ Maths?
A:No,not at all. I like reading.My favourite subject is (4) ______.
                       Thanks, haven\'t got \'ve got, please,pencil case.
A: I (1) ____ an erader but i need a pencil and a ruler.
B: Let me check in my (2) _____.
A: OK, (3) ____.
B: Sorry,I (4) ____ a pencil or a ruler but i\'ve got a pen.
                       it\'s,on,in,is,it isn\'t
A: Is this where the Art lesson is?
B: No.This (1) ____ room C. (2) ____ Thursdays the Art lesson is (3) ____ Room F
A: But (4) ____ Friday today!

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4 (69 оценок)
ElskerNorge 8 лет назад
Светило науки - 2028 ответов - 55114 раз оказано помощи
A: So Sasha, what's your favourite (1)subject? Maths?
S:No, I love sports, so (2)PE is my favourite.Do you (3) like Maths?
A:No,not at all. I like reading.My favourite subject is (4) Literature.

A: I (1)'ve  got an eraser but I need a pencil and a ruler.
B: Let me check in my (2)pencil case.
A: OK, (3) Thanks.
B: Sorry,I (4) haven't got a pencil or a ruler but I've got a pen.

A: Is this where the Art lesson is?
B: No.This (1) is room C. (2) On Thursdays the Art lesson is (3) in Room F
A: But (4) it's Friday today!