1)Fill in the missing words:

plot lyrics romance thriller
talented rich powerful

This singer has got the most … voice I have ever heard!
I love the … of this film. I think I will watch it soon.
Most of celebrities are very … so they donate (жертвовать) money to the needy people.
I don’t want to watch this … at night because I will have nightmares (кошмары).
“Titanic” is the best … I’ve ever watched! But it hasn’t got a happy ending.
Have you listened to the latest album of “Arctic Monkeys” yet? The … are fantastic!
Keanu Reeves is a … actor. His role in “The Matrix” made him famous.

2) Open the brackets.

I prefer classical music because it’s not … (noisy) as rock music.
In my opinion songwriters are … (talented) than singers.
“The Star Wars” is … (successful) film ever!
Madonna is … (famous) than Beyonce.
My brother is … (tall) as me.
Natasha is the ... (good) student in the class.

3) Put the verbs into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

… (you / ever / see) “The Lord of the Rings”? It’s the best fantasy ever!
They … (work) together for 20 years, from 1955 to 1975.
I … (not / have) a bicycle last year. My parents are going to present it to me tomorrow.
Anna … (always / want) to visit New York.
I … (watch) science fiction films when I was a child. Now I like watching thrillers.
My uncle has a collection of old cars. He … (already / buy) three fantastic cars.
Ответ проверен экспертом
3 (7 оценок)
parljukljuba 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 7402 ответа - 20393 помощи
This singer has got the most powerful voice...
I love the romance. ..
Most of celebrities are very rich...
I don't want to watch this thriller. ...
Titanic is the best plot...
Have you listened to the latest album of "Artic monkeys "? The lyrics are fantastic
Keany Reeves is a talented actor
2) 1 isn't noisy as
2 more talented
3 the most successful
4 more famous
5 tall
6 the best
3) 1 have you ever seen...
2 worked
3 didn't have
4 always wanted
5 watched
Has already bought