Упражнение 6.
Correct the mistakes if any.
1. They are discussing the problem for hours, but has not solved it yet.
2. Somebody has been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.
3. Is it still raining? No, it have stopped.
4. John has been winning the championship two times.
5. The boys have fished for 3 hours.
6. How many books have you written?
7. Mike has invited many friends to his birthday party.
8. He has been hating oranges since his childhood.
9. They have been taken the dog for a walk.
10. Irene has left for the airport.

Can it be more quiqly/

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4 (51 оценка)
parljukljuba 6 лет назад
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1 they have been discussing the problem for hours, but have not solved it yet.2 correct 3 is it still raining? No, it has stopped. 4 John has won the championship twice .5 the boys have been fishing for 3 hours. 6 correct 7 correct 8 he has hated oranges since his childhood. 9 they have taken the dog for a walk. 10 Irene has left for the airport.