Put the words from the two columns together to make new words or word combinations and write them.
1) trained a)house a trained animal
2) ballet b)dog ______________
3)bird c) pig ______________
4)fish d)gallery ______________
5)guinea e)acrobat ______________
6)stamp f)cage ______________
7)picture g)goer ______________
8)theatre h)collection ______________.Помогите пожалуйста пока с этим потом изменю


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3 (13 оценок)
malygyn 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 157 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
Put the words from the two columns together to make new words or word combinations and write them. 
1) trained a)house a trained animal 
2) ballet b)dog see a ballet
3)bird c) pig and bird are animals
4)fish d)gallery has many pictures of fish
5)guinea e)acrobat came with his circ from quinea
6)stamp f)cage clued  a stamp
7)picture g)goer bring the picture
8)theatre h)collection of dresses in the theater