помогите перевести с русского на английский
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Werrina 10 лет назад
Светило науки - 4878 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
Whose pencil is it? It (this) is my sister's pencil.
Is it (this) your copybook? Yes, it is.
Is it (this) a notebook of your brother? No, it is my notebook.
Where is your desk? It is in the middle of the room.
Where is your pen? It's in my pocket.
Where's your book? It is on the table.
Where is your mom? She's at work.
Where is your brother? He's at school
Where is your sister? She's at home
Whose pencil is it? - It is my pencil. - Where's my pencil? - It's on the table.