2. Fill in the gaps with the Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs.

1) I always (watch)_______ TV in the evenings.
2) It’s evening and I (watch)_________TV now.
3) I usually (have) _______breakfast at 8 o’clock.
4) My sister often (read) ________magazines.
5) It’s 7 o’clock and Tom (do)________ his homework.
6) We (listen) _________ to music at the moment.
7) It (snow)_______ in Moscow right now.
3. In the following sentences use the verbs in the Past Simple.

3. 1) Trevor (write)_______ the article for the RAP.
2) Leonardo da Vinci (spend)_______his last year in France.
3) Rachel (not know) ________ the answer to the question.
4) Leonardo da Vinci (make) _________ the parachute in 1797.
5) I (not go)_______ to the countryside last summer.
6) My grandpa (work) _________ on a farm all his life.
7) Tim (draw)________ this picture two weeks ago.

4. Add questions tags to the sentences.

1) It is warm today, ______?
2) Moscow is the capital of Russia, ______?
3) It isn’t usually cold in September, _______?
4) We aren’t late, ______?
5) He likes reading, _____?
6) You like travelling, ____?
7) Nick and Fred are good friends, _______?

5. Complete the sentences with Possessive pronoun.

1) Whose bike is this? - It’s Sally’s bike. It’s ____.
2) Whose pen is this? – It’s Trevor’s. It’s ____.
3) Whose house is this? – It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s _____.
4) Whose car is this? – It’s Ann’s. It’s _____.
5) Is this Robert’s computer? – Yes, it is. It’s ______.
6) Is this pen mine or Trevor’s? – It isn’t Trevor’s. It’s ______.
7) Whose computer is this? – It’s Robert’s and mine. It’s _______.
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MaryFairy211 4 года назад
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2. Fill in the gaps with the Present Simple or Present Continuous forms of the verbs.

1) I always watch TV in the evenings.

2) It’s evening and I am watching TV now.

3) I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock.

4) My sister often reads magazines.

5) It’s 7 o’clock and Tom is doing his homework.

6) We are listening to music at the moment.

7) It is snowing in Moscow right now.

3. In the following sentences use the verbs in the Past Simple.

3. 1) Trevor wrote the article for the RAP.

2) Leonardo da Vinci spent his last year in France.

3) Rachel didn't know the answer to the question.

4) Leonardo da Vinci made the parachute in 1797.  (это ложное утверждение)

5) I didn't go to the countryside last summer.

6) My grandpa worked on a farm all his life.

7) Tim drew this picture two weeks ago.

4. Add questions tags to the sentences.

1) It is warm today, isn't it?

2) Moscow is the capital of Russia, isn't it?

3) It isn’t usually cold in September, is it?

4) We aren’t late, are we?

5) He likes reading, doesn't he?

6) You like travelling, don't you?

7) Nick and Fred are good friends, aren't they?

5. Complete the sentences with Possessive pronoun.

1) Whose bike is this? - It’s Sally’s bike. It’s hers.

2) Whose pen is this? – It’s Trevor’s. It’s his.

3) Whose house is this? – It’s Jack and Jill’s. It’s theirs.

4) Whose car is this? – It’s Ann’s. It’s hers.

5) Is this Robert’s computer? – Yes, it is. It’s his.

6) Is this pen mine or Trevor’s? – It isn’t Trevor’s. It’s yours.

7) Whose computer is this? – It’s Robert’s and mine. It’s ours.