Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right to make phrases. Make up 5 sentences with these phrases.

to spend                            friends

to miss                              care of

to go                                  holiday

to take                               English lesson





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4 (91 оценка)
dazen 10 лет назад
Светило науки - 15 ответов - 443 помощи
to take  care  of -  I I take care  of  my brother  
To go shopping- I go shopping  with my  mother
To go abroad-I  go abroffe  with my  sister  in  this summer  
To take  pictures-I take  some  pictures of  my friends  
To  spend holiday-  I spend  last holiday  with my sister  
To  miss  friends. I  miss  my friends  very much 
To take  english lesson- In  the  future  i will take  english lesson  in a  first  grade