3. Поставте в форму presentsimple глаголы в скобках.

1    I ....play.... (play) football with my friends on Sundays.

2   Tina.........................(walk) to school every day

3   We...........(go) to bed at 10 o\'clock every night,

4   Penguins...........................(live) in the Antarctic

5   Tony.........................(study) Maths at university.

6   Jo and Peter................(visit) their grandparents

every week.

7   Sally.............................(speak) Spanish.

8   Mike............................(do) his homework every evening.

9   Susan.......................(wash) her hair every day.

10  Water..........................(boil) at 100° Celsius.


4. Составьте вопросы , используя подсказки в скобках, как показано на примере.

1 .   John\'s father drives fast, (your brother)

Does your brother drive fast, too?

2.Tom plays the guitar every day. (Peter)

3.  Sarah goes shopping on Mondays. (Anna and Mary)

4 . Fiona likes video games. (Lucy)

5 .Mother watches TV in the afternoon, (the chil dren)

Ответ проверен экспертом
4 (27 оценок)
LilyYilmaz 10 лет назад
Светило науки - 252 ответа - 5813 раз оказано помощи
3. Поставьте в форму present simple глаголы в скобках.
1    I ....play.... (play) football with my friends on Sundays.
2   Tina.........walks...........(walk) to school every day
3   We....go....(go) to bed at 10 o'clock every night,
4   Penguins...........lıve............(live) in the Antarctica 
5   Tony..........studies..........(study) Maths at university.
6   Jo and Peter......visit......(visit) their grandparents every week.
7   Sally...........speaks.............(speak) Spanish.
8   Mike.........does...............(do) his homework every evening.
9   Susan.......washes...........(wash) her hair every day.
10  Water........boils.............(boil) at 100° Celsius. 
4. Составьте вопросы , используя подсказки в скобках, как показано на примере.
1 .   John's father drives fast, (your brother)Does your brother drive fast, too?
2.Tom plays the guitar every day.
Does Peter play the guitar every day, too?
3.  Sarah goes shopping on Mondays.
Do Anna and Mary go shopping on Mondays, too?
4 . Fiona likes video games.
Does Lucy like video games, too?
5 .Mother watches TV in the afternoon,
Do the children watch TV in the afternoon, too?