Помогите плиз ДАЮ 100 БАЛЛОВ!!!
A. Choose the correct word.
1. The plane ….showed the passengers what to do in case of emergency.
A staff B team C crew
2. The …..rain caused the driver to lose control of his car.
A massive B heavy C huge
3. There was a lot of ……in the park.
A waste B rubbish C litter
4. It’s important to save up for a ……day.
A cloudy B rainy C sold
5. Thick …..covered the fields.
A fog B smoke C fumes
B. Fill in the correct preposition.
6. The earthquake left the town …..ruins.
7. What …..earth happened here?
8. Tiger are wild…..nature.
9. The patient is now…..of danger.
10. The building was engulfed ……flames.
C. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: species, drought, homelessness, famine, aid, poverty, hurricane, pollution, flood, rescue.
11. Local authorities have to cope with the problem of…….
12. The ……destroyed several towns.
13. The …..caused the crop failure (неурожай).
14. They are living in extreme …..
15. We\'re doing a project on air…..
16. ……waters destroy everything in their path.
17. Doctors gave them emergency first….before they were taken to the hospital.
18. An endangered…… is an animal or plant that\'s considered at risk of extinction.
19. There were reports of refugees dying of …...
D. Choose the correct item.
20. Clara and her class are looking forward to visit/visiting.
21. I’m glad to hear/hearing that no one was hurt in the earthquake.
22. We stopped to look/looking at the wildflowers.
23. They made him to return/return all the money he had borrowed
24. He can to run/run very fast.
25. I would like to do/doing something different for my birthday this year.
26. It’s no use to cry/crying over spilt milk.
27. He always remembers to lock/locking the door when he leaves.
28. Let me to help/help you carry these bags.
29. They are not sleeping. I can hear them to talk/talking.
E. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
30. I cannot accept your. INVITE
31. ……can help learning process. REPEAT
32. The ….. called only one witness. DEFEND
33. We need …… on how to handle this issue. GUIDE
F. Fill in the blanks with used to, be used to, get used to and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets
34. The city …..(attract)tourists before the flood hit.
35. Frank couldn’t …..(drive) on the left.
36. Mary…..(get) up early.
5 (1 оценка)
giovanniroma446 1 год назад
Светило науки - 82 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


A. Choose the correct word.

The plane crew showed the passengers what to do in case of emergency.

The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car.

There was a lot of litter in the park.

It’s important to save up for a rainy day.

Thick fog covered the fields.

B. Fill in the correct preposition.

6. The earthquake left the town in ruins.

What on earth happened here?

Tiger are wild by nature.

The patient is now out of danger.

The building was engulfed by flames.

C. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: species, drought, homelessness, famine, aid, poverty, hurricane, pollution, flood, rescue.

11. Local authorities have to cope with the problem of homelessness.

The hurricane destroyed several towns.

The drought caused the crop failure.

They are living in extreme poverty.

We're doing a project on air pollution.

Flood waters destroy everything in their path.

Doctors gave them emergency first aid before they were taken to the hospital.

An endangered species is an animal or plant that's considered at risk of extinction.

There were reports of refugees dying of famine.

D. Choose the correct item.

20. Clara and her class are looking forward to visiting.

I’m glad to hear that no one was hurt in the earthquake.

We stopped to look at the wildflowers.

They made him return all the money he had borrowed.

He can run very fast.

I would like to do something different for my birthday this year.

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

He always remembers to lock the door when he leaves.

Let me help you carry these bags.

They are not sleeping. I can hear them talking.

E. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.

30. I cannot accept your invitation.

Repetition can help the learning process.

The defense called only one witness.

We need guidance on how to handle this issue.

F. Fill in the blanks with used to, be used to, get used to and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets

34. The city used to attract tourists before the flood hit.

Frank couldn’t be used to driving on the left.

Mary was used to getting up early.


0 (0 оценок)
orelbogdan51 1 год назад
Светило науки - 6 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


A Choose the correct answer 1 The plane crew showed the passengers what to do in case of an emergency. A team B staff C crew 5 The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree. A heavy B huge C massive 2 The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in .ruins. A on B in C by 6 The lead actor felt under the weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play. A clouds B climate C weather 3 The football match was called off because it was snowing. A out B off C for 7 When You go to Paris, don't miss the chance to have your portrait painted in the Artist's Square. A miss B lose C leave 4 Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment. A fog B fumes C flames B Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use. ● legendary ● rescue ● breeze ● tsunami ● avalanche ● occur ● generate ● flood ●horrific ●frost ● collapse 8 The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless. 12 A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses in the small fishing village. 9 Neil suffered horrific burns when he was caught in a fire that broke out in his house. 13 David Bower was a legendary .environmentalist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize twice. 10 Drought will occur in an area when it hasn't rained for an unusually tong period of time. 14 When the avalanche . hit the area, dozen of people were snowed in for many hours. 11 What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind. 15 The well-trained lifeguard was able to .rescue . the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety. D Fill in the blanks with used to + inf., be used to + ing, get used to + ing and the appropriate form of the verb in brackets 26 Julia got used to living in such a hot country country only after she had been there for a few months. 29 Sheila used to drive to work, but now she takes the bus. 27 I don't think Ian is used to being around animals; he's never even had a pet. 30 Tammy isn't too comfortable with the idea of car-pooling yet, but I'm sure she will get used to sharing a car with other people. 28 Mr Roberts is a primary school teacher, so he is used to working with young children. F Choose the correct response. 31 Don't throw that bottle out, you should recycle it. B You're right. 34 We should have a first aid kit in the car in case of emergency. B I agree. 32 The amount of energy used by transport has risen by 12%. A Really? 35 I believe we should all do our part to help fight world hunger. A True. 33 Child labour is still a very big problem in some countries. B I had no idea.