Exercise 3.
Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

get make put look bring fall grow Personality

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) _________ down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) _________ up and forgive easily. As we 3) _________ up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) _________ on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who 5) _________ us up. If we 6) _________ up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) _________ us down all the time and we 8) _________ out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died ________ peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support ________ my brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ________ Vanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly ________ the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised ________ when Michaela said I\'d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly ________ in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about ________ you.
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vittoriafrance 2 года назад
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1. look

2. make

3. grow

4. get

5. bring

6. look

7. put

8. fall


1 had passed away

2 stand up for

3 fallen for

4 picks on

5 was taken aback

6 settled down

7 asked after
