Ex. 3​ Match the words and word combinations with the similar meaning.
1. emergence

2. hazardous

3. toll

4 .to assess

5. structure

6. purpose

7. to require

8. to link

9. significance

10. to expand

a) to evaluate

b) importance

c) frame

d) to connect

e) appearance

f) dangerous

g) to spread out

h) charge

i) objective

j) to demand

5 (1 оценка)
sealove19 2 года назад
Светило науки - 16 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи

1. emergence - e) appearance

2. hazardous - f) dangerous

3. toll  - h) charge

4 .to assess - a) to evaluate

5. structure - c) frame

6. purpose  -i) objective

7. to require - j) to demand

8. to link - d) to connect

9. significance - b) importance

10. to expand - g) to spread out