помогите с тестом пожалуйста
1. Find phrases where the is pronounced as [€i]
A) the end B) the sun C) the other way D) the cinema E) the worlds

2. Replace underlined word with its opposite. She is always obedient.
A) misobedient B) disobedient C) overobedient D) inobedient E) notobodient

3. The correct proverb. Last year I worked very hard at my Math and English. I spent all my time reading and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: . . .
A) No pain, no gains B) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush C) Speech is silver but silence is gold D) Better short of pence than short of sense E) Look before you leap

4. A motorbike is . . . a scooter.
A) the most powerful B) most powerful C) as powerful D) powerful E) more powerful than

5. I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes . . . nervous.
A) our B) me C) their D) his E) my

6. . . . ‘s the doctor. . . . daughter is in this class.
A) she/her B) we/our C) he/himself D) they/their E) we/their F) it/its E) she/we

7. I am afraid the box is . . . to carry.
A) more heavy B) the heaviest C) most heavy D) too heavy E) heavier

8. Match the numbers with its writing: 28.5.
A) twenty eight and five B) twenty eighth point five C) twenty eight point fifth D) twenty eight point five

9. She’s just moved from her flat . . . 38 Azalea Drive.
A) to B) on C) for D) in E) at

10. . I never argue . . . my husband . . . money.
A) with/about B) in/at C) of/for D) for/on E) to/for

11. Find the odd word from the list below:
A) friends B) braces C) tongs D) handcuffs E) leggings

12. Don’t laugh . . . my work. I am doing my best.
A) with B) at C) of D) for E) to

13. I read the paper . . . the taxi on the way.
A) in B) on C) at D) for E) to

14. Crew is often used for the staff of . . .
A) an ambulance B) a plane C) a school D) an engineers E) a hospital

15. 7/9
A) seven and ninth B) seven ninth C) seven and nine D) seven nine E) seventh nine

16. . Look at that . . . window.
A) broke B) is broken C) broken D) to break E) has broken

17. She gave me a ... box.
A) small, square, metal, jewelry B) jewelry, metal, small, square C) metal, small, square, jewelry D) small, metal, jewelry, square, E) square, small, metal, jewelry

18. Choose sentences with correct question tags.
A) We’ve met before, haven’t we? B) You are going out with him, don’t you?
C) They didn’t have enough evidence, did they? D) You won’t tell any lies, don’t you?
E) You didn’t know he was a criminal, did you? F) The police have arrested someone, hasn’t he?

19. Choose the odd word from the list below.
A) childhood B) manhood C) neighbourhood D) priesthood E) brotherhood

20. Find the works of the great English writer William Shakespeare.
A) Alice in Wonderland B) King Lear C) Romeo and Juliet D) Pride and Prejudice E) Merchant of Venice F) Treasure Island G) Oliver Twist H) Brown Wolf

21. .If he … a car accident yesterday, he … in hospital now.
A) hadn’t had/wouldn’t B) hadn’t had/wouldn’t be C) wouldn’t had/wouldn’t be D) hadn’t/wouldn’t be E) hadn’t be/wouldn’t had

22. .We ask them when …
A) will they coming back B) d they come back C) they are coming back D) did they come back E) are they come back

23. Match the abbreviation with its meaning: FBI.
A)Full board of interests B) Free Business inquiry C) Interest rate D) Federal Board of Investors E) Federal Bureau of Investigation

24. Find the incorrect phrase.
A) at the same time B) at one time C) at that time D) for a long time E) in the long time

25. Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence “I have found my keys!”
A) She announced that she had found her keys B) She announced that she found her keys
C) She announced she has found her keys D) She announced that she found her keys
E) She announced she have found her keys.
Ответ проверен экспертом
5 (2 оценки)
Lena18051986 2 года назад
Светило науки - 3578 ответов - 883 помощи


1. Find phrases where the is pronounced as /ðiː/

A) the end [end]

C) the other way

/ðiː/ - перед гласным звуком

2. Replace underlined word with its opposite. She is always obedient.

B) disobedient


3. The correct proverb. Last year I worked very hard at my Math and English. I spent all my time reading and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: . . .

A) No pain, no gains

(Без усилий нет достижений)

4. A motorbike is . . . a scooter.

more powerful than

(Мотоцикл мощнее скутера.)

5. I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes . . . nervous.

B) me

(нужно дополнение "меня")

6. . . . ‘s the doctor. . . . daughter is in this class.

A) she/her

Она доктор.  Ее дочь учится в этом классе.

7. I am afraid the box is . . . to carry.

D) too heavy

(Боюсь, коробка слишком тяжелая для переноски.)

8. Match the numbers with its writing: 28.5.

D) twenty-eight point five

(Дроби пишутся через точку)

9. She’s just moved from her flat . . . 38 Azalea Drive.

E) at

(Адрес (улица) с номером дома)

10. . I never argue . . . my husband . . . money.

A) with/about

(Argue with....about - спорить с кем-то о чём-то)

11. Find the odd word from the list below:

A) friends

(Все остальные сущ.всегда во мн.ч.)

12. Don’t laugh . . . my work. I am doing my best.

B) at

(laugh at - смеяться над)

13. I read the paper . . . the taxi on the way.

A) in

(Внутри транспорта)

14. Crew is often used for the staff of . . .

B) а plane

(plane crew (экипаж самолёта)

Но!!! Если следовать всем случаям употребления этого слова, то подходят все варианты.)

(Экипаж часто используется для персонала госпиталя.)

15. 7/9

B) seven ninth

(Числитель -колич.числительное; знаменатель - порядковое)

16. . Look at that . . . window.

C) broken

(Разбитое -Participle II)

17. She gave me a ... box.

A) small, square, metal, jewelry  

(1. Общее мнение 2. Специфичное мнение 3. Размер 4. Форма 5. Возраст 6. Цвет 7. Откуда 8. Материал.)

18. Choose sentences with correct question tags.

A) We’ve met before, haven’t we?

C) They didn’t have enough evidence, did they?

E) You didn’t know he was a criminal, did you?

(Если первая часть положительная, вторая должна быть отрицательной. И наоборот. Глаголы должны совпадать по времени)

19. Choose the odd word from the list below.

C) neighbourhood

(A) childhood B) manhood D) priesthood E) brotherhood - могут быть абстрактными существительными, а neighbourhood - может относится к конкретным сущ)

20. Find the works of the great English writer William Shakespeare.

B) King Lear

C) Romeo and Juliet

E) Merchant of Venice


A) Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll;

D) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen;

F) Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson;

G) Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

H) Brown Wolf - Jack London

21. .If he … a car accident yesterday, he … in hospital now.

B) hadn’t had/wouldn’t be

(Условное смешанного типа)

22. We ask them when …

C) they are coming back

(После when -союза прямой порядок слов)

23. Match the abbreviation with its meaning: FBI.

E) Federal Bureau of Investigation

(Федеральное Бюро Расследований)

24. Find the incorrect phrase.

E) in the long time

(Такой фразы нет )

25. Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence “I have found my keys!”

A) She announced that she had found her keys

(Действует согласование времен. Понижаем время Present Perfect переходит в Past Perfect)#SPJ1