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1.Children (to dance) on the show yesterday at 8 o’clock.
2. We (to drink) tea at home now.
3. The pupils (to write) an exercise at school tomorrow.
4. Ann(to drink) tea at home yesterday.
5. I often (buy) food on Fridays.
6. Nick (not/go) to the Caucasus last year.
7. Look out! Who (watch) you?
8. My grandfather (work) in the garden at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning.
9.I (do) my homework last Monday.
10. Sometimes Maria (cook) lunch for herself.
11. Sorry! I (be late).
12.The manager is busy now. He(talk) with a customer.
13. I (be) in the Crimea last summer.
14. When we came the children ( to do) the homework.
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tanichbondarchuk 1 год назад
Светило науки - 1 ответ - 0 раз оказано помощи


Пояснення: danced, drinking 3?,drank,buy,didn’t go,watching,working(не точно)

did,cooking,was late,talking,was, did