Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.
1. 420 employees were made ____________________ because of restructuring of the company (reduce).
2. I have been ______________ by Mrs. Anna Clarkson with regard to your claim against her in your dispute (instruction).
3. I cannot understand the _____________ between solicitors and barristers (differ).
4. He made a lot of _____________ against his employer (allege).
5. We have to consider different _______________ for this job (apply).
6. I cannot do this work now. I have an __________________ (appoint).
7. This situation _____________ us to take serious steps (able).
8. You can make a _____________ in any bank (pay).
9. There are _____________ instructors on hand to help you (qualify).
10. It is _____________ to write a career objective at the beginning of your CV (advise)
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Лусушка 2 года назад
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1. 420 employees were made reduced because of restructuring of the company (reduce).

2. I have been instructed  by Mrs. Anna Clarkson with regard to your claim against her in your dispute (instruction).

3. I cannot understand the difference between solicitors and barristers (differ).

4. He made a lot of allegations against his employer (allege).

5. We have to consider different applications for this job (apply).

6. I cannot do this work now. I have an appointment (appoint).

7. This situation enables us to take serious steps (able).

8. You can make a payment in any bank (pay).

9. There are qualified instructors on hand to help you (qualify).

10. It is advice to write a career objective at the beginning of your CV (advise)


1. 420 сотрудников были сокращены...

2. Миссис Анна Кларксон проконсультировала меня...

3. Я не могу понять разницу ...

4. Он выдвинул много обвинений...

5. Мы должны рассмотреть различные заявки на эту работу...

6. Я не могу сейчас выполнять эту работу. У меня назначена встреча

7. Эта ситуация позволяет нам предпринять серьезные шаги.

8. Вы можете произвести платеж...

9. Под рукой есть квалифицированные инструкторы....

10. Рекомендуется написать...