1. Odd one out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.

1. friendly, sister, father, grandmother
2. brother, mum, hobby, grandpa
3. give, make, eye, eat
4. thin, now, tall, short
5. cooker, cooking, painting, cook

2. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.

1. Ann’s eyes/hair are big and blue.
2. My mum is short with fair/kind hair.
3. My teacher has got a naughty/small nose.
4. Mike’s tall and plump/short.
5. Jane is a good student. She is very noisy/clever.

3. Fill in the gaps with can/can’t. Заполни пропуски can/can’t.

1. This is easy (просто). You … do it!
2. My dad … fly a plane. He’s a pilot.
3. I … speak Spanish. I only (только) speak English.
4. Can Jane dance well? – No, she …
5. Mary … play the piano. She’s a good musician.

4. Match the questions to the answers. Соотнеси вопросы с ответами.

1. What’s his name?
2. Where’s her house?
3. How old is she?
4. Have you got a family?
5. What is he like? a) In London.
b) She is 20.
c) Mark.
d) He is very funny.
e) Yes, I have.
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gamerkolibri5 2 года назад
Светило науки - 3 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


1.friendly - дружный

2.hobby- хобби

3.eye- глаз

4.now- сейчас

5.painting- картина



2.kind hair

3.small nose


