10 Complete the text. Write one word in each
26-year-old Chase Dellwo is in hospital.
week, a bear nearly killed him. Chase and his brother
in the country at the time, but they
together. Chase was at the bottom of a hill,
and his brother was at the top. They wanted to catch
some animals. The animals were about 100 metres from
Chase. He walked *
them until they were only
30 metres away, and then he suddenly stopped. There
was a bear lying on the ground in front of him. It
see him because it was asleep. Chase started
to move 6
from the bear, but he wasn\'t quick
enough. The bear opened its eyes. Now it
Chase, and it attacked him. Chase was very frightened.
Then, he remembered a story from a magazine. He put
his arm in the back of the bear\'s mouth. The bear
very surprised and it stopped attacking
him. It looked at Chase for a moment, then it turned
around and walked
the woods. Chase\'s
brother carried him 10
his car and took him to
hospital. Chase is very lucky to be alive.
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tucktuk 2 года назад
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1) last

2) were

3) weren't

4) to

5) didn't

6) away

7) could

8) was

9) into

10) to