a. We 1) Find the translation of Russian phrases and fill in the missing words. 1. Пока я говорил по телефону, football он готовил обед. В at five. 2. Пока она читала их работы, b. When I into the room, the они разговаривали. kid 3. В пять мы играли в футбол. c. When I at him, he 4. Когда я вошла в комнату, ребёнок спал. d. I was talking by phone, he 5. Когда я взглянула на него, dinner. он улыбался. e. While she their works, they​
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1) d. While I was talking by phone, he was cooking dinner.

2) e. While she was reading their works, they were talking.

3) a. We were playing football at five.

4) b. When I entered into the room, the kid was sleeping.

5) c. When I looked at him, he was smiling.