Look at the clock faces and write the time, as in the example. Writi 1 • As . 120 12. .12. 12. typ w * Rea parag: 1 It\'s half past 2 .....3 4 four. Тур 12 . 12 . 12. .12 ] At 6 . 7 rn hon 8 lunch 9 • Phrases 1, I rea ...... ten to * a) Match From по​
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imataialbina 2 года назад
Светило науки - 8 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи



2 it's twenty past eight

3 it's ten past nine

4 it's quater to eight

5 it's three o'clock

6 it's quarter past six

7 it's ten to seven

8 it's half past ten

9 it's twenty to three