7. Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions. 1. (n.) all the actors in a film or play. 2. (n.) a story that is written for a film. 3. . (n.) an actor/actress who plays the main part in a film or play. 4. (n.) a person who is in charge of making a film and tells the actors how to play their parts. 5. (n.) a short performance to try to get a job as an actor, singer, etc. 6. (n.) a person who writes the story for a film. (n.) not the most important actor/actress in a film or play, other actors/actresses in a film or play. 8. (n.) the music used in a film. 9. (n.) a person who controls how a film, play, or programme is made.​
5 (1 оценка)
MaryFairy211 2 года назад
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К сожалению, вы не прикрепили фото текста с выделенными словами.

Пишу то, что должно подойти.

2 A screenplay или script

3 A leading actor/actress

4 a film director

5 An audition

6 A scriptwriter

7 A supporting actor/actress

8 A film score или soundtrack (вообще-то, это разные вещи, но люди часто путают эти термины)

9 A producer