Make passive sentences using the word parts and the given tense.
1. The window – open (present perfect simple)
2. Her room – paint (past progressive)
3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple)
4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive)
5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple)
6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple)
7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple)
8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple)
9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple)
10.The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple)
11.The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple)
12.The package – send – by a good friend (past simple)
13.He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple)
14.My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple)
15.The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple)
16.Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple)

A Local Sports Centre
Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets .
A new sports and athletic centre _____________________ (OPEN) in our town last week. The facility
____________________ (BELIEVE) to be one of the largest in the country and experts hope that it
________________________ (VISIT) by thousands of amateur and professional athletes over the course
of the next few years. The centre _____________________________ (CONSTRUCT) for over 6 years
before it ______________________ (OPEN) by local authorities last Monday. However, it
_______________________________________ (NOT COMPLETELY FINISH) yet. Workers are making the
final adjustments this week and say that it _____________________ (COMPLETE) by the end of the
month. The centre offers various sports facilities including two indoor swimming pools, three large gyms
and a ball court. They _____________________ (CAN BOOK) online or directly at the administration
desk. The equipment ______________________ (BUY) from local companies, which also provided the
training programs. The new centre _____________________ (FINANCE) by government funds as well as
grants that ________________________ (GIVE) to the region by the European Union. Politicians and
famous athletes from all over the country __________________________ (INVITE) to the official
opening ceremony, scheduled for next Tuesday.
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duisenadiya758 2 года назад
Светило науки - 14 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1. The window is close
2. Her room is don’t paint
3. He not take the airport
4.The bike don’t repair at the moment
5.The cows don’t feed every morning
6.The novel not write a hundred years ago
7. The food must put no in fridge
8. A press conference hold not tomorrow afternoon
9. Our new house just don’t finish
10. The thief not see by the policeman.
Если дашь ещё 10 баллов отвечу на остальное