1. Your sister isn’t married, ……….?
2. You found my keys, ……….?
3. I am very smart, ……….?
4. Jack didn’t pass his exams, ……….?
5. Our love will last forever, ……….?
6. You have never been to China, ……….?
7. Sandra has already got up, ……….?
8. My coffee and croissants are not cold, ……….?
9. They won’t spend all their money, ……….?
10. Tim is fond of table tennis, ……….?
5 (3 оценки)
rufnat22 3 года назад
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1. is she 2. did not you 3.am not 4.did he 5.won't she 6. have not you 7. has not she 8. aren't they 9. will they 10. is not he