Fill in the gaps with the right word. 1 I felt p_ _ _ _ _ _ when the man spoke to me in Chinese. 2 He never smiles. He\'s such a m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man.3 She\'s leaving for Paris tomorrow. She\'s so e_ _ _ _ _ _. 4 Karen hasn\'t come back from work yet. I\'m getting w_ _ _ _ _ _. 5 After working all day in the garden, Tim felt very t_ _ _ _. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!
4 (42 оценки)
ТЕРРИЯ262002ФЛАЙ3535 8 лет назад
Светило науки - 79 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1. puzzled 
5. tired
Ответ проверен экспертом
2 (30 оценок)
parljukljuba 8 лет назад
Светило науки - 7402 ответа - 20393 помощи
I felt proud. When the man spoke to me in Chinese. She never smiles. He is a such meloncholy. She is leaving for paris tomorrow. She is excited .karen hasn't come back from work yet. I am getting worried. After working all day in the garden, tim felt very tired