Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.
1 My new laptop was more expensive than my PC!
My PC wasn’t ___________________________ as my new laptop.
2 No one in our family is as tall as Leanne.
Leanne is ___________________________ person in our family.
3 The exam was easier than I expected.
The exam was less ___________________________ I expected.
4 Gary’s car isn’t as new as yours.
Gary’s car ___________________________ than yours.
5 Everyone is older than me in this class.
I’m the ___________________________ in this class.
6 Claire’s new T-shirt was more expensive than her mobile phone!
Claire’s mobile phone ___________________________ as her new T-shirt.
7 That programme was the most interesting I’ve seen for ages.
That programme was ___________________________ any others I’ve seen for ages.
8 I think tigers are more beautiful than any other animal.
I think tigers are ___________________________ animals.
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sknev 3 года назад
Светило науки - 7 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1) as expensive

2) the tallest

3) difficult than

4) is older

5) youngest

6) isn't as expensive

7) more interesting than

8) the most beautiful