Put the words in the right order to make up sentences:
3.time/have/enough/they/the/job/to do
4.she/pretty/looks/to be photographed/enough
5.enough/to translate/you/words/English/know/the text
6.good/be/and/enough/it do
7.there/vegetables/in the house/are/enough
3 (5 оценок)
NikitaFura 8 лет назад
Светило науки - 4 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи
I don't know him well enough.
You have asked me enough questions today.
They have enough time to do the job.
She looks enough pretty to be photographed.
You know enough English worlds to translate the text.
It do be good and enough.(не уверен)
There are enough vegetables in the house.