Помогите с английским языком пожалуйста

1.Fill in the missing words:

tunes, science fiction, adventure, cast,
special effects, handsome, successful

A(n) … film is a film about space travelling, robots and aliens.

Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy … .

I like the … of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!

Brad Pitt is one of the most … actors in the world.

I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and … .

They used a lot of … to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.

Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of … films.

2.Open the brackets.

I think that “The Lord of the Rings” is … (successful) as “The Matrix”.

In my opinion Beyonce is … (attractive) than Madonna.

I don’t like pop music because it’s not … (powerful) as rock music.

Diego Maradona is … (famous) footballer from Argentina.

My brother is … (smart) than me. But I am younger than him.

Tom is the ... (fast) swimmer in our school.

3.Put the verbs into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

I … (never / see) “The Lord of the Rings”. Is it a good movie?

Jim … (always / love) stories about Spiderman because he is interested in superheroes.

They … (live) in London for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995.

… (you / visit) our Granny yet? She is at the hospital.

Last year I … (not / have) enough money to buy a new laptop. So my parents presented it to me.

My brother has a collection of animated films. He … (already / get) 50 DVDs.

4.Complete the sentences using since, ago, yet, last, for, always.

My sister finished school … May.

They haven’t seen their parents … a long time.

I have lived in Moscow … I was 3-year-old.

I have … been a fan of Justin Timberlake.

We haven’t seen the new film with Leonardo DiCaprio … .

I bought a new car three weeks … .

5.Fill in the blanks with on, off, into, in.

I will turn … TV in 2 minutes. My favourite show is starting.

Mary turned … very late yesterday. She had a lot of homework.

Please turn … the computer when you finish.

I love the special effects they use when he turns … a spider!

3 (5 оценок)
molumenp72kf0 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 17 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
1.Fill in the missing words:

tunes, science fiction, adventure, cast,
special effects, handsome, successful

science fiction film is a film about space travelling, robots and aliens.
Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy tunes.
I like the cast of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!
Brad Pitt is one of the most 
successful actors in the world.
I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and 
They used a lot of 
special effects to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.
Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of 
adventure films.