. Fill in the missing words. There are two words you don’t need to use.
*tutor * *bring up * research *came* salary *vet *uniform *prize *sound *freelancer *overtime *deadline
1.Bob hated working in the bank and he ______ to the conclusion that a desk work wasn’t for him.
2. Ann has worked ________ every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.
3. John has to wear a _________there are strict rules in his school.
4. Tony loves working as a _______ because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office every day.
5. The children returned home safe and _______after a search team found them in the forest.
6. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel _________.
7. I really admire Jane. She could ___________ two children when her husband had died.
8. Alex has a rough ________ to meet so he’s been working during the weekend
9. We shall go to Moscow when my father gets his _________ .10. Pete has got lessons with a__________ after school because he wants to catch up his classmates in Physics.
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3 (37 оценок)
bananapancakes7 6 лет назад
Светило науки - 77 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
2. overtime
3. uniform
4. freelancer
7.bring up